Dear Visitor,
Welcome to SCCK! It is with great pleasure I have assumed the role of Chairperson of the board and I look forward to taking an active role together with the other members of the board for the chamber as we go forward. The chamber was established in support of our members and acts as a platform for communication, networking, sharing, and learning from each other through the activities we offer. Please take an active role in shaping the Swedish Chamber as you would like to see it!
Korea as a market offers a strong and high-tech Industrial base and a strong consumer-oriented population. Today Korea represents fantastic opportunities to expand and invest in doing business in this country Korea has all the attributes for doing sound business - a highly educated diligent workforce, a strong industry in shipbuilding, automotive, steel, electronics, biomedical, environmental, entertainment, medical, energy just to name a few. Having said that there are of course some things that are very different from doing business in Sweden and this is where SCCK comes in. By joining us you can learn from companies and people who have been active here for a long time and faced the same challenges that you might be facing now or in your coming time in Korea.
Thus - Explore Korea - Explore SCCK - come to Seoul and enjoy the vibrant life and culture - if you already are here - join us and our events to enhance our friendship and help us understand more of you and your needs - we have some common goals for all - growth and helping Swedish organizations here in Korea. We have excellent support and teamwork with the Swedish Embassy and Business Sweden! No issue is too small for us!!
Thank you for visiting our website and again Welcome to Korea where everything is possible and nothing impossible!!!
Sincerely Yours,
Grace Oh